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GAP Protection

GAP Protection Covers You So You Don’t Pay On a Car You No Longer Own… 

Imagine this: You have been paying your car loan and making your payments on time and suddenly your car is wrecked or stolen. Insurance pays out for the loss but the payout is not enough to cover your debt.

Frustrating? Absolutely.

Unfair? No doubt.

But it happens all the time.

Cars are a material asset that depreciate very fast and standard insurance coverage is the actual value of the car at the time of loss and not the balance of the loan.

This is where GAP (Guaranteed Asset Protection) comes in.

It pays the shortfall between the insurance settlement and the amount you still owe on your vehicle, so that you don’t end up with a balance you didn’t expect.

No stress. No financial burden. Just peace of mind, because you won’t be paying for a car that’s not yours. This is why you should not have to worry about car ownership, you should be able to enjoy it without the risks that come with it.

The good news is that a GAP Protection Plan protects you from the first day.

Call Today For Your Quote


United Car Care and ValueWise are Vehicle Protection services offered by JFR that is perfect for your pre-owned vehicle.

Value Wise Logo Automotive Diminished Value Protection